Energy Solutions with Apex Contracting: 

Leading Electrician in Ipswich

Electrician in Ipswich

Our team have extensive experience in installing private power poles on rural and regional properties and for commercial/industrial locations where required. Private power pole installation in Queensland needs to be undertaken by qualified and experienced electrical contractors.

A private power pole may be needed for a number of reasons, including:

  1. Rural/Remote Location: If you live in a rural or remote location that doesn’t have easy access to the local power grid, a private power pole may be necessary to provide electricity to your home or business to keep you connected..
  2. Reliable Power Supply: Is your property located in a rural area that is prone to power outages or brownouts? If so, a private power pole can provide a reliable source of power during these times.
  3. Building a New Home or Commercial building: Are you building a new home or commercial building? A private power pole may be necessary to connect your property to the local power supply either in the short term during construction or as a permanent solution (depending on location).

It’s important to note that the regulations surrounding private power poles can vary depending on your location, so it’s important to check with your local government and any local electrical provider/authority in your area to ensure that you are complying with all applicable regulations and safety requirements.

If you have an existing private power pole that needs repairs or are looking to install a new power pole on your property, please contact us today to discuss how we can make this happen.

Call Apex Contracting for all your electrical needs, domestic, industrial or commercial.  Ph: 0401 646 324